DMA Safety Management are working with Lakeland Capabilities to take a combined approach which marries the psychological approach with the management of health and safety risk approach to develop an assessment tool, PsychSafe, to assist businesses to manage relevant risk factors for organisations.
Inspire Safety are proud to be the Health and Safety Consultants for the very first Fit District Festival 2019. We are looking forward to what will no doubt be a fabulous, exhilarating and
We all know we have a duty to appoint competent health and safety advice for our business, so what are our choices?
Internal vs. External
Internal competent advice can sometimes be best for businesses who need a large amount of resource and can justify full time posts, or …
We all have things sitting on our desks or niggling in the back of our minds that we know need doing in the business we work in; if only the day to day priorities would stop for long enough for us to get to them. Often issues with or improvement in health and safety are included in this ‘mean to do’ list.